Oak (PM)
Class teacher: Ms Mughal & Ms Elahi
Email: nursery@belmore.school
Teacher Bio
Favourite subject at school and why: I love teaching art because the children are all able to create something they are proud of and there is no wrong answer! They can be as creative as they like and it is something they all enjoy.
Favourite children's book you have read: Going on a bear hunt!
What topics are you looking forward to teaching next year: I am excited about teaching all of our wonderful projects it will be interesting to see how the children respond to the topics and what they learn from them.
Any other info: I Love animals and have two pet hamsters called Oreo and Rex
Fact File
Name: OAK
Scientific Name: Quercus robur
About: Oak trees are a large, deciduous tree growing up to 20–40m tall. Also known as common oak, this species grows and matures to form a broad and spreading crown with sturdy branches beneath.
Look out for: its distinctive round-lobed leaves with short leaf stalks (petioles).
Identified in winter by: Rounded buds in clusters. Each bud has more than three scales.