Police Workshop - Future Life

On Tuesday 26th March Year 6 had the privilege to attend a workshop run by the Metropolitan Police, which discussed lots of important issues. The purpose of the workshop was to provide us with information about preventing knife crime, as well as the dangers of gangs and illegal drugs. Did you know that the age of accountability in the eyes of the law is 10? Did you know that some of the medications prescribed by doctors are categorised as Class A, B and C drugs? We learned about all of these things in a safe environment, as well as having the opportunity to have our questions answered by a professional. read what some of the Year 6 pupils thought about the session:
Here is what our pupils had to say:
"Best workshop we've ever had! Normally we hear about going online and there was no waffle. It was actually relevant to us moving up to secondary school."
Mitush - Berners-Lee
"It was very informative and it was interesting to learn about how vulnerable people can be trapped into a life of crime. We know what to look out for!"
Maryam - Berners-Lee
"I think this will help alot of people stay safe and make good choices as they grow up!"
Jasmeet - Berners-Lee
“I learnt that if someone asks you to hold something, and its not yours – you will still get the blame for possession.”
“I learnt that a weapon could be something as simple as a glass bottle that is smashed. Even though it wasn’t intended as a weapon initially, someone has intentionally turned it into a dangerous object.”