Dragons Den Experience

On Thursday 29th February our School Council/Junior Travel Ambassadors attended the JTA Dragons Den Event at RAF Uxbridge.
They had the opportunity to pitch for up to £500 in a "Dragon's Den" style forum, to go towards road safety and/or sustainable travel activities, events, campaigns or initiatives within our school. The "Dragons" were selected by members of the council who offered feedback and asked questions after the pitch. To achieve our goal, we require a contribution of £500.
Their presentation was all around the project of arranging a number of activities aimed at our pupils to remind them of safer and more active travel. We are planning to have a poster designing competition in which the children themselves can design a poster aimed at drivers encouraging them to drive with more care, and even to park further away and walk.
It is our goal to reduce the number of cars using the road during the busy drop-off and pick-up times, to encourage more active travel which is not only beneficial to the environment, but also our health and well-being.
“It was great! Everyone memorised their lines and I can’t believe we got an extra £50 so in total £550. It was so exciting, especially for the school. There were 4/5 more schools and each school had a speech. It looked like a movie theatre and there were 2 councillors and head of school roads on the panel. My speech to the Dragon’s was: We are planning a poster designing competition in which the children themselves can design a poster, aimed at drivers encouraging them to drive with more care and even to park further away from the school and walk”.
Jeevna (Daley Class) Y3
“So at the Battle of Britain bunker, the lady let us have a look around before the pitch where we got to see some fascinating things like what they wore in World War 2 and even got to try on the outfits! We also got to see old planes, telephones, tanks and information about the polish air force. When we finally said our pitch, we said it loud and proud. The other schools also said their pitches then the Dragon’s went to discuss. They came back and told us they weren’t giving us £500 because they were giving us £550 instead! I couldn’t believe it!"
Harvey (Daley Class) Y3
"We felt a little nervous but it went really well- we got the money!"
Pranish (Gavin Class) & Kiki (Blackman Class) Y4
"It was exciting and challenging because there were people there we didn't know who we had to convince to give you the money."
Ellie (Aderin) Y5
"We did a good job because the other schools already had videos and had all been before. This was our first time and the council were pretty impressed."
Ethan Y5 (Aderin)