Reception Curriculum Update

In Reception this half term our project was ‘Big Wide World’. This project teaches children about the global community to which they belong and explores how living things, communities and climates differ around the world.

We have been learning all about different countries around the world; people, foods, weather and animals. We looked very closely at climate change, what is happening in our rain forest, under the sea and how we can all help the world.

We have consolidated our learning about animals from around the world, by visiting Woburn Safari Park Zoo.

We have read some wonderful stories, such as, Our World, Handa's Hen, All are Welcome, Under the same sky and There’s a Rang-Tan in my bedroom. Through these lovely stories we learnt about similarities and differences from our lives.

In maths the children have been consolidating what they have been learning and moving on to learn key principles at a greater depth. Number bonds to 5 and then 10, adding, taking away, doubling and sharing. The children use physical resources in each maths lesson and throughout their day choosing independently.

The children have continued to enjoy their rainbow challenges each week, they work super hard on these.

Transition to Year one has been one of our focuses for the last few weeks. As part of transition children have met their new teachers and seen their classrooms, they are all excited to move to year one.