Reception Curriculum Update

In reception this half-term our project was ‘Sunshine and Flowers’. This seasonal project provides opportunities for outdoor learning and teaches children how to care for the plants and animals in their local environment and how to stay safe in the sun.

Children have planted seeds growing Sunflowers and Runner beans to take home. They have also been growing tomatoes and many flowers for our garden area. We have been learning that plants need air, sunlight, warmth, water and nutrients from soil to grow. Learning in detail the parts of plants including roots, stem, leaves, flowers and petals. The children learnt what a scarecrow is and why they are needed.

We have been learning about life cycles. Each class has had 5 caterpillars, we have watched them grow and spin cocoons. We are waiting patiently for any signs that they have turned into butterflies.

We had a special Educational visit from Zoolab, during the mini beast workshop children were introduced to lots different mini beasts, were able to touch them, ask questions and learnt lots of wonderful things about them; What Mini beasts have inside them. What they eat.

In maths the children have been working on number bonds, adding, taking away, doubling and counting to 20 and above. The children use physical resources in each maths lesson and throughout their day choosing independently.

Well done to all the children that have been accessing and completing their reading homework on Oxford Owl. We have noticed a real positive impact on their blending and reading.