Year 1 Curriculum Update

The children have been learning about the different seasonal changes in the UK. In Geography, they have learnt about the four seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and have looked at what happens to nature around us during the seasons.
In Science, they have been learning about how the length of the day changes and varies from season to season. They had a lot of fun investigating this using shadows and their shapes. They learnt that shadows will get longer during the day and will be at their longest at dusk, before the sun sets. They created shadow puppets, pretended their torches were the sun and tried to make the shadows longer and shorter.
In RE, the children have been discussing what a typical day consists of. They used their knowledge of the days for the week to discuss their most special day and why they had chosen it.
In Geography, we have been discussing the effects of plastic pollution on the Earth. The children have been looking at how pollution affects us all. In particular, they have been looking at the environmental impact of plastic pollution on oceans and rivers. We revisited our knowledge on Animals and reminded ourselves which ones were sea creatures. In pairs, they attempted to untangle different sea animals from the plastic. Their challenge was to use one hand to appreciate the danger of plastic pollution for sea creatures.
Year 1 are enjoying their work on Seasons. Next term they will be writing a fact file on what they have learnt about our four seasons.