PSHRE In Year 2

Our PSHRE lessons this term have been ‘Me and My Relationships’ and with this week (6-10 Feb) being Children’s Mental Health week we were exploring our feelings like being worried, sad, excited, surprised and angry.
We looked and talked about the different kinds of feelings that we have and how the responses we receive from others; can either make us feel happier or have the opposite effect on us.
For example, Feeling nervous about something, one person gives a positive response and asks - “What can I do to help you?” While another could say - “Stop being silly and just get on with it!” We talked about how negative actions by others can have an impact on our mental health. We concluded that we could always say something supportive and be good friends.
In Year 2 on Friday 10 February, we will be wearing our scarf to school, to celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week.