Poetry Slam

On Monday 15th November Year 6 visited Barnhill to take part in a cross-trust Poetry Slam, we joined up with Barnhill and William Byrd students to share poems we had written about Remembrance. It was a fun filled event with a range of interesting, thought-provoking poems being read aloud on stage by pupils in Year 5,6,7 and 11.
The judging panel was made up of Head Boy and Head Girl, Ms. Hemming also John McDonnell our local MP.
The judges were very impressed with the entries from Belmore the winners were;
- 1st Ryan 6S
- 2nd Filipe 5L
- 3rd Muskaan 6D
The Reading prefects Lilly May, Yusuf, Maryam and Shawn attended the event and said “We would like to attend a poetry slam again because it was interesting and we enjoyed the competition. We liked listening to other people’s ideas and meeting children from other schools, we hope that we can take part in one again in the future. The poems had lots of rhymes and information about remembrance day.” They were very impressed with the way in which the children were able to read aloud with great expression. “We hope that this event inspires children to get involved in poetry at home.”
Ms. Hemming who judged the competition said "I was delighted that the event was such a success. The standard of the poetry was superb and our MP Mr John McDonnell, the guest of honour was generous in his praise of their poems and their performances. I was genuinely moved by the heart and the empathy expressed for our fallen heroes of the past by our students."
We would like to congratulate all the children who took part in the half term challenge to write a poem and to those pupils who took part in the poetry event. We are very proud of the high-quality poetry that Belmore produced which has now been published as a collection of poems. Click on the image below to view this.