Awards Ceremony at City Hall

Belmore celebrated their artistic success by attending the Mayor of London Fourth Plinth awards ceremony at City Hall. Ten lucky children from Hedgehog Class, Year 2, who created the winning piece, got to travel to London and receive the award for Hedgehog Class’s artwork named ‘As Proud As a Peacock’.
The artwork was a collaborative class piece that celebrated how proud each and everyone one of us are of our differences and uniqueness. There were over 3,000 entries and each London borough had entered their amazing artwork. Amazingly, we were awarded a certificate for ‘runner up’, not for the borough, but for the whole of the age 5-7 category! We got to view all the other winners for each borough and saw our artwork enlarged in the gallery. As well as this, we got to take some very cool pictures of our artwork around London as we carried our winning creation proudly home with us. Even though only 10 children attended the trip, the whole of Hedgehog Class will receive a prize of some special art supplies so we can all share the excitement and celebrate our success. The picture of the artwork can be viewed in the City Hall gallery for up to 6-8 weeks if anyone would like to visit it. As our artwork says, we really were ‘As proud as a Peacock!’