Anti-Discrimination Workshop

Year 5 had the brilliant opportunity to attend an 'Anti-Discrimination' session that was delivered by Brentford FC Community Sports Trust . The children discussed topics around equality, diversity and inclusion (in both sport and our general lives). The workshop looked at some highly important issues and discussed how our children at Belmore can form an allyship with people who could be facing any kind of discrimination based on disabilities, race or gender. This session was a fantastic way to ensure we are learning the most efficient ways to help make our school and community inclusive and welcoming. 

  • Nancy (Aderin)- "It was really interesting to see how things are changing with women in football!"
  • Jamie (Aderin)- "It was engaging learning about gender issues and how we can push for equality in our lives."
  • Nathan (Franklin)- "I have learnt that discrimination no matter how small, can lead to big issues. This session taught me how to be resilient in difficult situations we might face."
  • Ria (Hawking) - "We learnt about a footballer who faced discrimination, and how she raised awareness to bring equality in football."